It has been all over the news and social media…stay home, stay home! I was honestly excited when I realized I would get to work from home. I loveeee my office and my co-workers, but I also love getting to wear leggings all day and be with my sweetie pug, Frank! I have officially been working from home for a week now and last night was rough.
The past week has been great though. I am getting a ton of work done while still being able to relax at home. I grew up with my dad working from home, so I feel like I already realized it will take self-discipline to stay focused. I am all caught up on my work, so I feel like I am doing good!
Frank and I go on several walks a day and we are just loving being together. My Etsy shop has been pretty slow, so I have been able to read some new books which is new for me but good for me! I talked to my friends (they are also my neighbors) while they stood on their balcony and me and frank were below on floor 1…it was fun #SocialDistancing! I got to listen to my home church’s service on Sunday and that really just filled me up…I sure miss that place. On Wednesday I got to have a Zoom call with my sweet 8th grade girls group from church and that was so special!
All of this to say…I am thriving. Lots of things have been going well. I get up each day and spend some time with God, walk Frankie, have my coffee and then get to work. Last night after virtual church, I was super bored. I decided I would turn on some Netflix and keep watching this new reality show I recently started watching called Love is Blind. It is a super interesting show where you get ENGAGED to a person you have never seen but only talked to through a wall basically.
Anywho, I was watching this show and I became really invested and was dying to know who ended up with who! I was about 40 minutes into the show and I started to get upset and just had some weird vibes. I was watching this show where people are sooooo in loveeeee and that is just great for them. I was getting grouchy and I would say a little jealous. What? Jealous of this show that I was just making fun of it for how ridiculous it seems? Ugh.
Okay well, that needed to stop. Even though I really wanted to figure out what happened in the show, I decided to turn it off and do something else. I just kind of sat there for a few minutes thinking and realized I was feeling soooooo alone (the quarantine doesn’t help!) and just wanting to be married. This was new for me. I have honestly been pretty optimistic and hopeful about my future dating life. I want to get married again, yes duh, but I haven’t really worried about it and, surprisingly enough, it seems like I have put most of my trust in God and His timing for my relationships. I have been really trying to wait on Him and His plan.
But last night was different. I was telling myself I would never find the right guy (which is odd because I am currently not even dating so how the heck would I even know). I was telling myself that I needed to get on all these dating apps and start dating because I was running out of time. I was telling myself that I will have to lower my standards. I was telling myself all these things that just aren’t true. I sent my mentor a video message on Marco Polo and just explained how I was losing my mind and basically wanted to be married. It would be so fun to be with my husband while being quarantined...being with him was my favorite activity!
Well, newsflash MORGAN, you don’t have the husband anymore, you are only 23 and have a lot of life ahead of you, you don’t need to be on any dating apps right now and no, you don’t have to lower your standards! But I didn’t tell myself that last night, I just went to bed and prayed as I fell asleep. I asked God to help me during this time of basically lonliness. Lord, help me to get back to where I was of feeling fine not dating (thriving actually) and just growing myself and my relationship with God. I truly have been doing great lately of trusting in Him and His timing! What changed?
Well, I woke up and was completely different! I was shocked but also I realized this is who God is and what He does. He listens. He cares. And He is there. So I woke up early and had the best attitude and wasn’t even tired (which is a miracle because I am notttt a morning person) and I was pumped to spend time with God. I sat and prayed as I thanked Him for letting me have such a different perspective than when I went to bed.
I went about my day and my mentor and great friend, Melissa, who I sent the video message to messaged me back and we chatted. Then later she sent me a picture of the Jesus Calling for today. You will NEVER guess what it said. I mean goodness, this is just crazy and shows me how real God is! The first 3 words say, “Waiting on Me”. Hahahah this is hilarious because this is 100% what I was NOT doing last night.
I was wanting to take control. I wanted to not wait on God. I was getting grouchy and wanted to do it my way. I didn’t have a plan, but I wasn’t a fan of whatever God was doing. Nope, not fast enough, come on let’s go God, speed this process up. Let me find a man already!
The rest of the Jesus Calling was so spot on from what I needed to hear. Read it below and take time to pray as you listen to God while reading this.
Waiting on Me means directing your attention to Me in hopeful anticipation of what I will do. It entails trusting Me with every fiber of your being, instead of trying to figure things out yourself. Waiting on Me is the way I designed you to live: all day, every day. I created you to stay conscious of Me as you go about your daily duties.
I have promised many blessings to those who wait on Me: renewed strength, living above one's circumstances, resurgence of hope, awareness of My continual Presence. Waiting on Me enables you to glorify Me by living in deep dependence on Me, ready to do My will. It also helps you to enjoy Me; in My Presence is fullness of Joy.
Waiting on God is how He designed us to live? He promised many blessings on those who wait? Waiting on God will allow me to glorify God? It will help me enjoy God and be full of joy?
Yes. Yes. Yes. And YES! Ugh, this is just SO true. I am thankful for this mini devo today. I am thankful for my complete attitude change today. Now I am so excited again to wait on God and see what He has in store for me! Who knows what it will be. I keep telling myself that it all HAS to be on His timing. Not mine. He knows best.
Here are the Bible verses that were with the devo from Jesus Calling.
“The Lord is my portion,” says my soul, “therefore I will hope in him.”
The Lord is good to those who wait for him,
to the soul who seeks him.
It is good that one should wait quietly
for the salvation of the Lord.
Lamentations 3:24-26
but they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength;
they shall mount up with wings like eagles;
they shall run and not be weary;
they shall walk and not faint.
Isaiah 40:31
You will show me the path of life;
In Your presence is fullness of joy;
At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore.
Psalm 16:11
Friends, waiting is hard. Gosh, I had such a bad attitude last night! I am thankful today is a new day and I am encouraged again to trust in Him and wait on His timing. It is still hard, but I am encouraged as I read this devo. How can I pray for you? I would love to be praying for you, especially during this crazy time in our world.
Morgan Leigh
Here is me and Frank (he looks terrified lol) staying at least 6 feet apart from our sweet friends and new neighbors! Stay safe and WASH YOUR HANDS!