When my husband said he was leaving, I started journaling that week. I have always HATED journaling but I am so glad I have been doing it. I do it daily and being able to look back at what I wrote/read that day is such a blessing now.
On August 4th, I wrote in my journal something I had heard recently…“find a place to serve rather than waiting to be served in the church”. I had been at my home church in Oklahoma for 10 years so finding a new church was hard. This was a great lesson I learned, so I quickly tried to get involved in a church.
Long story short (more to come soon on how I landed at my church), I am blessed each week by getting to be a small group leader for the 8th-grade girls at Faith Bible Church here in The Woodlands. It is truly such a sweet treat each week to get to hang out with these girls!
In the beginning of December, we got to take a spiritual gift test during our Bible class time. It was a long, 80 question test that we were to answer each question by “according to who you are, not who you would like to be or think you ought to be”.
I finished my test and got my results. My top two spiritual gifts were “faith” and “giving”. I wasn’t surprised by the giving at all…I love giving gifts and really do not like getting them oddly! I found this interesting because I didn’t really think of giving as a spiritual gift. The faith one really confused me, to be honest. I feel embarrassed to even say this, but I didn't fully understand what the definition of faith was.
There were 8 questions on the test that I went back to find out that they were the faith questions. We were to say if we agree or disagree on a scale. The questions were:
I find it natural and easy to trust God to answer my prayers
I have confidence that God will always provide for me, even in difficult times
I believe that God will help me to accomplish great things
I trust God even when my success seems impossible
I am absolutely sure of God’s daily presence and action in my life
I am regularly challenging my friends to trust God
I am willing to try things that others think are not possible, if I am doing it for God
I live with confidence because I know that God is always at work in my life
The definition on the test that explained the faith spiritual discipline was, “this is the spiritual gift where the Spirit provides Christians with great confidence to believe and expect great things from God”.
THIS IS SO ME. I mean gosh, after taking this test, I am really realizing that I agree with each of these 8 statements SO MUCH. I really enjoyed taking the test and loved the idea of learning about the results, but I didn’t do much about it quite yet. I talked to my friends and mentors about my results and how exciting I was, but I didn’t know the next step. How do I use faith in my daily life? What does this mean that it is my spiritual discipline?
A week later, I was at Bible study and my friend was talking about her 2020 word was “joy”. I was so excited for her and was like oh I should do a word! I didn’t want to steal her 2020 word but I just didn’t know what to do. About 5 minutes later, I remembered I had been RAVING about my spiritual discipline results being faith to my friends. I was seriously so excited!! That is when I realized my 2020 word was absolutely going to be Faith.
It is crazy that my church is also called FAITH Bible Church. Here is another thing I thought was crazy...it is a girl that messaged me about my blog. She is from Arkansas and I have never met her but she ordered a decal from my Etsy shop, followed my business Instagram page and then read my blogs. Turns out, she was married for 6 months and then got divorced as well. She is 23…which hey guess what I am 23 too. CRAZY SAUCE. She loves God so much and is focusing her life right now on doing mission trips.
This girl messaged me about her story and we chatted for a bit and then she asked if she could mail me something. I thought that was so sweet and had no idea what she was sending me. Well as it turns out, she wrote this sweet note and sent me this necklace that has the word Faith on it. I was just shocked! I cannot ask God to make my 2020 word any more clear. It should for sure be faith. No doubt.
One day I did the "close your eyes and flip to a page" in the Bible, and I landed on the "Faith and Provision" story page. Okay, God, I see you. The last little crazy thing was what my mom got me for Christmas. I got a book that is called “The Weekly Faith Project” and I literally never told her about my word yet! INSANEEE!
All of this being said, my word is faith for 2020 and I am PUMPED to see what God has in store for me. I’m being so honest when I do not know anything about faith. I mean from my spiritual gift test, I have a little idea…but I am pretty clueless when it comes to vocabulary.
Based on the 8 questions listed above, I can say I fully agree with each of those so much. I trust God. He IS providing for me during this difficult time after divorce. I know God will help me accomplish such great things and I know He IS with me each day. Success as a divorced woman in The Woodlands knowing nobody seemed impossible, my friends, I literally moved here for my husband at the time...but God is good and I would consider myself super successful without my husband! I am thriving! I do live with confidence each day because I have SEEN God working in my life. He is so present and His work is so good. Trusting God can seem impossible, but boy oh boy it has been such a precious thing to see Him changing my life.
How can I pray for you? Does something seem impossible for you right now? Being happy and "okay" when my husband left me seemed impossible but I am here to tell you it IS possible and all possible because of God. Please let me pray for you, dear friends! I am a huge fan of prayer.
Morgan Leigh
