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Writer's pictureMorgan Leigh

One. Whole. Year.

Wow. It has officially been an entire YEAR of being divorced and it has gone 100% differently than I could have ever imagined.

As I have written about before, I walked out of the courtroom on October 1st and I didn’t cry. I was not happy, but I wasn’t crying or miserable. I was so so sad that my marriage was over, but I did literally everything I could to save it. It was out of my control and I knew that. I imagined that now, a year later, I would just be going along with the flow, hanging out with friends, and try to get more involved at church, but nothing major. Just hang out! Relax! Enjoy time with Frank! No biggie!

Let me tell you I have done NOTHING along the lines of “go with the flow” or ‘just hangout”. I hit the ground runningggg after that court date. Something in me just went off, and I started to really become a different person.

- I was on FIRE for God during the end of the divorce. I was so hurt by my divorce, but I didn’t blame God and I am so thankful for this. I trusted Him. I knew He had a plan, and it definitely was to not be with my ex-husband. Not what I would have wanted, but okay Lord…I trust You.

- I started to get to lead a small group at church and getting to know the 9th grade has been the best thing.

- I am still going to the same small group Bible study each week with 15 of my closest friends in The Woodlands and loving the community God has blessed me with.

- My Etsy shop has been absolutely booming…I am just a few sales away from 4000 and that has just been in little over a year’s time. CRAZY. Just insane. But I love it so much!

- I officially started the courses to become a CFP (Certified Financial Planner !!!) and 85% of the time, I actually enjoy studying!

- This past May I decided I wanted to move out of an apartment and really make The Woodlands my home…so I am now building a house that will (HOPEFULLY) be ready in January! WHAT. This is crazy. If you would have told me on my court day 1 year ago that I would be BUILDING a house a year later, I would have laughed in your face. I never would have imagined this, but alsooo wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.

- About a month and a half ago I became a Pampered Chef Consultant…as if Esty and being a Financial Planner weren’t enough! It has been the best thing for me to recognize that there are so many things I truly enjoy doing!

(p.s. join my Pampered Chef Facebook Group for my fun product videos or use this link if you would like to order anything! I embarrass myself 85% of the time with knives and avocados it's fine it's fine)

I am thriving. I am loving life and doing all the things. I also want to say and emphasize that it has been hard. I have tried really hard to focus on God lately, but He is not always in my everyday routine. I share this to explain that life isn’t easy. I am thriving and loving life, but it still isn’t easy. I find myself wanting to get one more Etsy order out, and THEN I will read my Bible…but then I am too tired to read and just go to bed. Or maybe I am sitting down to read but then I get a text saying someone wants to host a Pampered Chef party, so I put my Bible down and get them set up right that moment. There are distractions. There are plenty of other things I can do instead of spending time with God. Making God a priority is not easy, and it takes honestly a lot of work for me. I have heard of some people who it is soooo easy for them to read for hours each day, and that isn’t me. I wish!

I am encouraged by my friends and family, but it still takes discipline. I know I can do it, and I want to do it, but God just isn’t always my #1 priority. I share this to be open with you! I blog about a lot of the good things, the hard things, but I am also super honest. I try for God to be the center of my life, but I fail a lot! This is for sure something I am working on and excited to get better at as life goes on. I am excited about my relationship with God. That is huge.

This blog is just a life update. I am doing great. Life after divorce CAN be fabulous. Not fabulous because I am divorced, but fabulous because I am not letting that situation define me and run my life. I have dealt with a lot because of divorce, but we all deal with stuff. This is just a little part of my isn’t going to stop me at all.

I am encouraged and I am excited. I have tried and prayed so hard that God would be with me as I have dealt with life after divorce, and He has far far far exceeded my expectations. I was worried about where I would live, and I found an apartment and now I am building my own home. I was worried about if I would have friends, and now I have more friends than I have ever had in my whole life combined. I was worried about money and paying for my apartment and even just buying FOOD, and now God has blessed me with three sources of income and I truly enjoy all three of them.

Life is hard. I don’t ever want my readers to think I just hop, skip and jump through life because I don’t! But I try to find things I enjoy. I try to be involved in church. I try to spend time with God, even though I fail a lot of the time. I try to make time for my friends and family. I try to be the best I can be.

Life isn’t over when hard things happen to you. Take the rough stuff and make it better. Be a better you because of it! Life update over 😊 Here is my house as of TODAY and I am pumped for what is in store. God is so good!


Morgan Leigh

Cannot WAIT for this kitchen to be done!

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